
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sunday Snapshot

Thor's a lone wolf.

It's not even the end of August yet and it's already starting to feel like fall. Dislike.

Currently reading:

Goodnight, Mr. Holmes by Carole Nelson Douglas: Almost DNF'd it because the narrator was so annoying, but decided to stick with it. It's a pretty quick read TBH.

The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen: Books! Books! All the Books!


man up
Man Up, starring Lake Bell (great name, btw) and Simon Pegg

Nancy's dating life is dismal, probably because she'd rather watch movies than socialize with people. But then a random guy mistakes her for his blind date, and they have an amazing night together where All The Things happen.

This movie's a step up from your typical romcom. Both Nancy and Jack are super quirky, in a fun and not overly twee way, and the film does an excellent job of showing how they're perfect for one another without getting cheesy and predictable. Even their fight scenes were hilarious. The only thing I didn't like was that Nancy had a seriously creepy stalker, which the film brushed off as HAHA SO FUNNY (wth?), but other than that I thought this was pretty much the perfect it-can-happen-in-one-night type of romance! Definitely recommended.

begin again movie
Begin Again, starring Keira Knightley and Mark Ruffalo

Dan, an AR man and semi-professional drinker, hasn't "discovered" an artist in years. Then he comes across a singer-songwriter in a bar, and immediately knows she's The One–the one who will revive his career! Together they make an album recorded in locations all over NYC.

A fairly good movie. I'm not sure anyone ever mentions Keira Knightley's character's name, but it's incidental–she's just the catalyst for Dan's comeback. The beginning was a little slow, but the making of the album was really cool, and Adam Levine was surprisingly good as Knightley's hot, SO HOT, boyfriend. I just wish the songs had been better. If you liked Once you'll probably enjoy this one.

the big short movie
The Big Short, starring Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, and Christian Bale

The more I ruminate on this movie, the more it annoys me. It's a textbook example of sexism in Hollywood, but that's a mild irritant at this point. What confuses me is why it was made into a movie and not, like, a Frontline special. Or, if it was made into a movie, why they didn't pick one of these groups of guys to focus on instead of all three; you could have cut Christian Bale's character out entirely and it would have been the exact same movie. But never let it be said Hollywood cut out a white guy for the sake of expediency! And then the ending. All the main characters get filthy rich off their bets, whilst the rest of America suffers. BUT THEY FEEL REALLY BAD ABOUT IT, GUYS. Not, you know, give the money back bad, but ehhhh.

Basically it's a mildly self-indulgent movie made by rich Hollywood insiders about rich Wall Street insiders, with barely a token nod to the millions of people who lost their jobs and homes. I'm sure when they pitched it, it was as some sort of crusade for "the little guy," but if that was their goal they failed.

This week in heidenkindom:

Not a lot going on this week. I've been ramping up trip planning for Japan–less than two months to go!–and not reading much because Goodnight, Mr. Holmes has me less than excited. I started watching Stranger Things on Netflix and I am LOVING it. It's like a combination of the Hardy Boys, The X-Files, and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Besides that, we've just mainly been watching the Olympics.


I came across this recipe for honey dijon vinaigrette on one of the French blogs I follow, and I am totally addicted to it! It's so easy and delicious I've been eating salad every day. Give it a try!

Have a great week, everyone!

Discus this post with me on Twitter, FaceBook, Google+ or in the comments below.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sunday Snapshot

Cute scruffy little Calypso
Currently reading:

The Spirit Chaser by Kat Mayor: 🔥🔥🔥💩

The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen: A Robin Hood type! Hmmmm...


I seem to be on a bit of a romcom kick.

the decoy bride
The Decoy Bride, starring David Tennant and Kelly Macdonald

Two words: David Tennant.

You need more words? Um, okay. Well, Kelly Macdonald is absolutely adorable as "the decoy bride," a woman who moves back to her childhood home in the Outer-outer-outer Hebrides and is roped into pretending to be a film star to distract the paparazzi from the star's wedding. Also, Michael Urie (whom you might remember from Ugly Betty) completely steals the show as the film star's manager, who's determined to give her the wedding of her dreams NO MATTER WHAT. To be honest, the movie felt a little long, but I did laugh a few times and loved the ending. Also: DAVID TENNANT. I mentioned him, right?

eagle vs shark
Eagle vs Shark, starring Loren Taylor (or Horsley?) and Jemaine Clement

The highlight of Lily's day working at a fast food restaurant is when Jarrod comes in for lunch. Unfortunately, as she finds out, Jarrod is an asshole. After they sleep together he takes her to visit his family, an objectively awful group of people who are like the Royal Tenenbaums but without any charm or likability. Oh, and PS, he has a daughter who lives with them. Surprise!

I'm of two minds with this movie. On one hand, it's probably the most Jane Austen-esque contemporary love story I've come across in years (Taylor would make an excellent Anne Elliot), and it is charming and sweet... eventually. On the other hand, getting there is a long damn walk full of scenes that are either boring or painfully awkward. But I guess you could say the same for Austen, so.

high strung
High Strung, starring Keenan Kampa and Nicholas Galitzine

I am not going to tell you this movie is "good," because that would be a lie. The acting is terrible and the dialog is a mess. That said, this might arguably be THE GREATEST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN. There are dance-offs in the subway, a Will Smith lookalike, dueling violins, a talent contest at the end where Everything Happens, and a foodie character named PopTart. I have no idea what the foodie character's purpose in this movie is, other than to make 1 meal, but whatever. Filed under Cheesy Movies Tasha Likes.

today's special
Today's Special, starring Aasif Mandvi, Naseeruddin Shah, Jess Weixler

Samir is the sous chef at a fancy-pants Manhattan restaurant, but when he's passed over for a promotion, he quits and decides to go to Paris to learn from Les Grands Messieurs. When he goes to his parents' dingy Indian restaurant to inform them of his decision, however, his dad has a heart attack and Samir has to stay and keep the restaurant afloat until his dad's back on his feet. This movie is billed as a romcom but it's not, really, unless you count the bromance between Samir and the chef he hires, Akbar. I would have enjoyed it more if it made more sense. Samir's a sous chef, so presumably he knows something about cooking and running a kitchen, yet he doesn't know even the very basics about Indian food. Like I don't know a lot about German food, but I think I could probably fake my way through certain dishes, you know what I mean? And I didn't even go to culinary school! I was also irritated by the ending: Oh, congratulations, you fancied up affordable meals and now you can charge $50 for what used to cost $10, and tasted better.

But other than those two things it was a cute, feel-good movie.

This week in heidenkind:

A bit of a lull in the regular work schedule this week, so I had a chance to finish proofreading the paperback version of The Introvert's Guide to Drinking Alone, and it's now available for purchase on Amazon! You can doodle on it, make origami, use it to prop up a slightly uneven table leg... the possibilities are limitless! Buy yours today!

Also, the Olympics! Of course, it's the summer Olympics, so not quite as exciting as the winter Olympics, but still.


This octopus art (#octoart?) exhibit in Qatar looks really cool.

gallery al riwaq, 2016, Huang Yong Ping, Sea Monster Installation
Huang Yong Ping, Sea Monster, Gallery al Riwaq, Qatar, 2016
Photo by Wen-You Cai of Cai Studio, via Steampunk Tendencies.

Have a great week, everyone!

Discus this post with me on Twitter, FaceBook, Google+ or in the comments below.