
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Readathon Wrap-Up

dewey's readathon

The 24-Hour Readathon is over!  I got off the computer around 3 AM, but stayed up reading until about four, trying to finish my book.  Which means I'm reeeeeeeally tired.

Because of work and other obligations, I didn't get much reading in, which makes me sad.  I read for about 7-ish hours, and at least half of that was audiobooks.  I did, however, finish two books!
  • Tempt Me At Twilight
  • Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets
All right, technically I was already in the middle of these books when the Readathon started, but hey.  They're finished now.  And I started Turn of the Screw, as well as completed three mini-challenges, including Memory's picture challenge.

Now, if you have a mind like a steel trap, you might be thinking, "Were those books on her Readathon TBR?"  The answer is, no, they weren't.  I never got to a single book that I had picked out for the Readathon! 

So there you have it.  I'm kind of bummed I didn't get to read more, but I did all I could.  Hopefully when the next Readathon comes around, I'll have the day off so I can seriously read until my eyes bleed!  Right now I'm off to work.

Thank you to everyone who set the Readathon up, and all the cheerleaders who visited my blog.  You guys rock!

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