
Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Quick Ode to Bookmarks


As bibliophiles, we do enjoy the accoutrements of our pastime--bookshelves, bookplates, and also bookmarks.  Once upon a time I didn't use bookmarks; I just dog-eared the pages.  The horror!

Nowadays I have a teensy-weensy obsession with bookmarks.  Not that I buy a lot of them; most of them just wind their way into my hands somehow.  Here are a few different types of bookmarks:

magnetic clip

Magnetic bookclips--These small bookmarks attach to your book pages with magnet.  I actually don't llike these type of bookmarks much--they're too heavy and tend to bend/tear the pages of my books.

book thong

Book thongs--These bookmarks are basically strings or ribbons with weights at either end.  I do think these bookmarks are lovely and own several.  However, I hardly ever use them because they're too fancy, too long for paperback books, and too easy to lose!  Also, if you use them a lot, the weights at either end tend to get lost.

book clip

Bookclips--An old-school version of the magnetic bookclip.  I don't like these, either, mostly for the same reasons as the magnetic clips.  They also get lost very easily.

shepherd's crook bookmark

Metal bookmarks--Shaped like shepherd's crooks, these bookmarks remind me of swizzle sticks; and I honestly think they would be better as stirrers than as bookmarks!  I really don't like them at all because they tend to bend the spine of the book, and they fall out of the book.

flat bookmark

Pasteboard or paper bookmarks--The classic, old-school bookmark, and still the best!  They're light, stay in your book, do minimal damage to it, and can be very pretty and decorative.  The only problem is they don't last forever; but you can offset this by buying them in plastic sleeves.

What is your favorite type of bookmark?  Did I miss any types of bookmarks that you like?

All the pictures in the post feature bookmarks available at

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