
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Classics Month Meme: The Last Classic You Read

classic month button

While Meghan and I are reading our novels for Classics Month, we want to know what you think of classic lit!  So let's start off March with a simple question:  What's the last classic novel you remember reading?

modern paperback versions of P&P

The last classic I read--before this month, obviously--was a reread of Pride & Prejudice.  I like to read it every few years, because every time I do it's like a letter from an old friend, filling me in on all the gossip that's going on with people we know.  At this point, all the Bennets and Darcy and Bingley really do feel like almost like old friends.

What about you?  What was the last classic you read?  You can reply here in the comments or on your own blog.  Remember to leave a link with Mr. Linky so we can see your answer!

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