
Friday, June 25, 2010

Musical Notes

musical notes

Hello, everyone!  I hope you had a good week.  I was in Oklahoma looking for an apartment for when I start grad school in the fall, which is why I've been MIA this week.  Not to mention, my laptop was at Staples because I wanted to get a larger hard drive for it--which failed.  Oh well.  Anyway, I'm back and have a lot of posts planned for the next few days.  In the meantime, here's an overdue edition of Musical Notes, my semi-regular feature where I combine my love of books with music by sharing some songs that I think fit in with my reading.

Faces Under Water

This is the perfect song for this book.  I can't tell you why, because that would be major spoilerage, but trust me.  It's perfect!

Something else I felt fit in perfectly with this novel was the Art of Noise's Seduction of Claude Debussy, which I heard about from someone on Twitter. I think it was Binnsy. Anyway, there is a ton of color symbolism in this book, especially of the color blue, and the album is all about making color with music.

Supposedly if you stare at the blue screen long enough, it moves.

In Mike We Trust

Mike has a very sketchy, yet likable uncle.  I, too, had a sketchy but charismatic uncle.  He wasn't as bad as Mike, but he had his moments.  Whenever I hear this song, I think of him.

What have you been listening to and reading this week?

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