
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Guest Review: REFLECTED IN YOU by Sylvia Day

reflected in you cover

I have a surprise for you all today: I received, unsolicited, Reflected In You from Penguin UK, and could tell immediately from the cover it was a Fifty Shades of Grey cash-in novel. Since we all know how I feel about Fifty Shades (review here), I didn't have much interest in Reflected In You. However, my mom enjoyed Fifty Shades, so I asked her if she wanted to read this book, and then if she wouldn't mind writing a review of it for my blog. She agreed, yay!

Christina's review of Reflected In You by Sylvia Day:

Having read all 3 of the Fifty Shades books, I started reading the 2nd book from Sylvia Day, Reflected in You. I enjoyed the Fifty Shades series quite a bit. The female protagonist was at least her own person. In Sylvia Day’s rendition, the female is whiny and annoying. Plus, the male lead is absent most of the 2nd book. Altho Sylvia Day is an astute writer, her series is whiny and annoying. Who would want to listen to all that angst??? And why can’t all the writers submitting their own renditions of E L James’ 50 Shades come up with their own story line?????

There you have it! Thank you to my lovely mom for reviewing this book for me. :)