
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Armchair BEA Introduction Questions

Armchair BEA

Welcome, Armchair BEA-ers! While Book Expo America takes place in NYC, those of us who can't travel enjoy BEA in the comfort of our own homes with ABEA. So let's get this party started with a few introductions.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself: How long have you been blogging? Where are you from? How did you get into blogging?

Hi there, I'm Tasha, sometimes known as heidenkind. I began blogging on Xanga, which doesn't exist anymore (I don't think?), in 2006. It was mainly a personal blog, with some book/movie/art reviews thrown in. I started this blog in 2008 because I wanted to write more about books and get involved in the book blogging community.

Today, I manage this blog, a blog dedicated to classics called The Project Gutenberg Project, and I co-manage Book Bloggers International with three other amazing bloggers: Rebecca from Lost In Books, Tif from Tif Talks Books, and Carolina from A Girl That Likes Books.

I'm also a contributor to Book Riot, a reviewer for Bookspan, and a blogger for Quirk Books.

I live in Colorado, USA.

2. What is your theme song?

I like this question! I always thought of "Coming Up" by Paul McCartney as my theme song. I think it matches my hopeful outlook on life.

3. What is your favorite genre and why?

This is a weirdly difficult question for me to answer. A few years ago I would have immediately said romance novels, but I'm not as obsessed with them as I used to be. I've branched out into mystery, fantasy, and spy thrillers as long as they're not misogynist and/or boring, but I wouldn't call any of them my favorites. I suppose you could say I'm in between genres at the moment.

I do love books set in Japan, Venice, or France, if that counts as a genre.

4. What book are you reading right now?

Right at this very moment I'm reading Hearts of Fire by LH Cosway and The Mystery Writers of America Cookbook.

5. Take a picture of your bookshelf and share it with us! :) (#ABEAShelfie)

Here's one of my five bookshelves, newly reorganized after a book purge this weekend:

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