
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sunday Snapshot and Happy Mother's Day

In Sunday Snapshot, you get to see exactly how boring my life is. w00t!

Calypso says she hopes you're all having a good day!

Hope you're all having a happy–or at the very least, not miserable–Mother's Day. Our family is doing a lot! (Kidding, we're not doing anything, per usual.)

What I'm reading right now:

I started As the Crow Flies by Craig Johnson last night, but I might switch it out for Black Run later today, as I barely made it past the first page and haven't really committed to reading it yet.

I also started The Girl at Central by Geraldine Bonner on audio yesterday. Not too sure about this one yet, the narration is a bit annoying.

Reviews in the queue:

I plan to write a group review of all the KJ Charles books I've read so far, and I need to write a review of The Notting Hill Mystery by Charles Warren Adams for The Project Gutenberg Project.

Theme of the week:

New haircut

I got a haircut this week. It's quite a bit shorter than I was intending when I went in for a "trim," but whatever. It looks nice and it'll grow out.

I also went to the third local writers' meeting this week, and even though I didn't want to go (I never want to go to meetings, even voluntary ones) it was actually really fun. Two authors came to talk to us. They mostly write non-fiction local history books–i.e., not bestsellers–but they had a lot of good advice and great stories about their writing process.

On a personal note, I think I was a bit depressed this week. At the very least I have a major attack of the blahs going on. I didn't write anything–that's usually a bad sign–and I went through two nights of insomnia, which always puts me in a good mood. /sarcasm


This is kinda cool. It's the oldest known song in the world, from 100 BCE.

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