
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday Snapshot Could Use More Sleep

Currently reading:

Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix: Probably not the best thing to read when you're pet sitting by yourself in a strange house.

You're So Money by Farnoosh Torabi: Obvious tips are obvious.

Movies watched:

leap year movie
Leap Year, starring Matthew Goode and Amy Adams

My boss kept bugging me to watch this movie, because Ireland. It wasn't as stupid as I thought it would be. Mind, I thought it was going to be a hot mess of painfully stupid. Still not sure how they took a "shortcut" from Wales to Cork and wound up in Dingle, but hey. Why look at maps.

Austenland, starring Keri Russell and JJ Feild

Really enjoyed this one! It was kind of obvious who the "Darcy" and "Wickham" characters were, but the movie kept me guessing as to how it would play out. Also, JJ Feild is kinda dreamy, like a low-rent Hiddles McGriddles. But then I should know that already since he played Mr. Tilney in Northanger Abbey. Swoon.

dracula untold
Dracula Untold, starring Luke Evans and Sarah Gadon

Fell asleep.

Elysium, starring Matt Damon and Jodie Foster

Fell asleep. I have to say this movie kind of lost me when they turned Matt Damon into a cyborg so he could rob someone... or something? The caper plot really needed some work.

battle royale
Battle Royale, starring Tatsuya Fujiwara and Aki Maeda

Hmmm. This movie is like Lord of the Flies meets Kill Bill, but with more gratuitous violence than the latter. I'm not sure I can say I *enjoyed* it, but it did keep me engaged. Worth watching when you're in the mood for blood splatter and bad English dubbing.

down with love
Down With Love, starring Ewan McGregor, Renée Zellweger, David Hyde Pierce, and Sarah Paulson

It's been a long time since I watched this one. I love the fashions and the dialog (Pierce and Paulson get the best lines), and the twist at the end. I just wish there was actual chemistry between McGregor and Zellweger. Oh well.

wimbledon movie
Wimbledon, starring Paul Bettany and Kirsten Dunst

I don't know what it is about this movie. It's like a medieval romance (literary, not genre) but with tennis. I love it to an unreasonable degree.

Subscription boxes:

ipsy august glam bag

I got my August Glam Bag from Ipsy this week. A bit disappointed I didn't get the Hikari lip gloss, but I LOVE the color of the nail polish. The bag itself is also very cute.

August marks my first full year with Ipsy. Unexpected benefit: I now know exactly how long I've had my makeup for and when it's time to throw it out.

rocks box

I also got my tenth Rocks Box (finally). This is the first silver set I've ever received from them! The studs are super-cute. The Y necklace, on the other hand, has an infuriating tendency to tangle.

Theme of the week:

So, so tired. There was a lot going on this week. I had my normal jobs to take care of, pet sitting (hence the multitude of movies I watched), and preparing for/executing my grandfather's moving/estate sale.

The moving sale was an interesting experience. My family does not do the whole garage sale thing–for one thing, they're usually over by the time we're dressed and ready to leave the house–so it we were all grateful that a neighbor offered to help us manage everything. The stuff people will buy is truly mind-boggling. But we moved out most of the stuff and made some money for my grandpa, so that's a good thing.

That said, I'll probably stick with avoiding garage sales going forward.


Here's an interesting article on the differences between French and American public libraries. I used to love hanging out in the library on Saturday afternoons when I lived in France. I'm obviously a total geek, but I wasn't alone–the place was always packed full of people reading.

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