
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sunday Snapshot for Springtime!

Currently reading:

The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater: Enjoying this one a lot more than the first in the series.

I also finished The 12 Bottle Bar last night, which was okay. I plan to try out some of the recipes and gins they suggested.

Movies watched:

cooked michael pollan
Cooked, with Michael Pollan

I learned a lot watching this four-part food documentary, like the fact that in the US cheeses are usually made with "throwaway" milk not considered fit for drinking, which explains practically everything about Sargento. My two main problems with this show are niggling: one, I thought the "elements" theme of earth, fire, etc., was pretty weak, especially as the show went on. And two, Pollan's view of pre-industrialized cooking occasionally reminded me of Marie Antoinette's view of being a shepherdess. I also thought In Defense of Food made most of the same points more succinctly and was overall the better documentary, but if you enjoyed In Defense of Food (and I did) this is a really good companion piece.

This week in heidenkindom: Is Tasha having a midlife crisis?

I'm beginning to wonder. First there was the whole I-need-a-moped obsession. Then, this weekend, I decided to dye my hair purple. I love it! I feel like a superhero now.

Maybe it's just spring or something. But emotional hairstyling is generally not a good sign.


This is SUPER cool. Loving Vincent is going to be the first-ever animated feature film to be painted entirely by hand. Not only does it look absolutely gorgeous, it's about the life of Vincent van Gogh, and from what I can see I think it's going to be a fantastic portrayal. Cannot. Wait.

Have a great week, everyone!

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