
Saturday, June 13, 2009


¡OlĂ©!  Natasha at Maw Books (not me ^_~) is hosting a Bloggiesta next weekend, and I will be joinging the party.  What is a Bloggiesta, you ask?  It's a 48-hour blogging marathon.  You can write posts, do site maintence, catch up on comments, etc.  The marathon runs for 48 hours, but the goal is to get 24 hours of work in during that period.  Here's how to play:

  1. The date is Friday, June 19th beginning at 8am, Saturday the 20th and ending Sunday the 21st at 8am (8am your time, wherever you are).  That is a total of 48 hours, of which you should aim high for a total of 18-24 hours spent on the challenge. (I [re: Natasha Maw] chose both a weekday and a weekend to hopefully accommodate different needs and not take up your entire weekend.  And yes, that’s only a week away!)  The hours spent on the challenge do NOT need to be in a row. Use the entire 48 hour time frame and see what you can do with it.  I say aim for 24 hours but really if you can only do six, twelve or eighteen that’s fine too.
  2. It’s your call as to how much you want to put into it.  But you have to put something into it or it’s not a challenge. 
  3. When you start the challenge, come back to the “starting line” post and link to your specific post about beginning the challenge which is posted on your blog.
  4. How many updates (if any) you want to do is up to you.  Make it work for you.  Personally, I plan on making a to do list and then crossing off items as I accomplish them.
  5. If you are on Twitter, use the hashtag #bloggiesta to join the chatter.
  6. Your final summary post needs to be posted no later than noon on Sunday, June 21st.
  7. Sign the Mr. Linky on Maw Books if you intend to join the challenge. Don’t forget to subscribe to Maw Books so you’ll be notified of  future bloggiesta posts.
What I would like to accomplish during the Bloggiesta:
  • Catch up on the posts I have wavering ideas for but haven't gotten around to writing yet.  Right now there's five in ScribeFire.
  • Do my first author interview! (If you're a book blogger who's done an author interview before and you have any tips, feel free to share.  I'm still trying to line up an author and haven't even thought about how to conduct it yet--but one step at a time.)  I got this idea from Bookalicious when she interviewed LJ Smith.  I was like, "Oh, you can interview writers?"  Haha.  I am dense sometimes.
  • Try to make my blogspot site look nicer than it does now.  It is terribly neglected and sad.
  • Write up reviews.
  • Try to figure out who I'm following on twitter that I'm not following on GR, and vice versa.
  • Do an update for my blog challenges.
  • I might get adventurous and experiment with doing a vlog entry, but we'll have to see how it goes.
So those are my plans for next weekend!  I hope everyone who can will join us for the Bloggiesta or take the time to cheer us on.  I apologize for your inbox or subscription list in advance. :)

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