
Friday, June 12, 2009

Literary ABC's

I got this from Ruth at Booktalk & More:

List your favorite...

Austen (Jane) novel: Pride & Prejudice, of course.

Brontë sister’s novel: Jane Eyre, of course.

Clancy or Crichton novel and/or movie: Jurassic Park

Dickens novel and/or film: You must be kidding.

English class you took: English. I & II

Frequently read author: Christina Dodd

Grisham novel and/or movie: I love The Pelican Brief.

Historical novel or era*: Probably Regency, although I actually prefer a little earlier than that.

Iconic fictional character: Odysseus

James Joyce or Henry James? James

King in literature (i.e., a character who’s a king, real or fictional): Richard the Lionheart

Lord of the Rings character: Faramir. Sexy, sexy Faramir.

Movie made from classic literature: Laura, I guess

Newberry Medal–winning book: Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan

Oldest book you own (not necessarily “favorite,” just oldest): Probably the little book of prayers that my mom got when she was tiny--like a baby.

Pirate in literature: Blue Beard

Quiet place to read: My bed at night

Robin Hood version (which film/TV series?): I'm still a fan of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

Shakespeare play or poem: I actually really enjoy MacBeth & Hamlet. I know, that's weird.

Twain (Mark) novel/story/essay: Twain? No.

USA Today Bestseller: Goonight Moon. Booyah.

Villain: The ebil Voldymort

Walt Whitman or William Wordsworth? Hate Whitman, so I guess Wordsworth (also, that's a kick-ass name for a writer).

Xanthippe (an ill-tempered woman, a shrew): Sharon Crawford (played by Beverly d'Angelo) in High Spirits. I seriously wanted to be this woman when I was eight, which is kind of alarming. But also explains a lot....

Yawn-inducing bedtime read: Anything non-fiction.

Zealously protected book you’ll never part with: Probably The Vampire Diaries. I needs them.

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