
Sunday, April 4, 2010

TSS--Classics Month Wrap-Up

classics month button

Happy Easter, everyone!  Classics Month is now officially over.  I have to confess that during the first half of the month, I thought this project was going to be a total bust; but towards the end, I discovered several books I truly enjoyed, and I think overall it was a success.  I read a lot of books and learned something in the process.  Here are the list of reviews and guest posts in case you missed them:

I also read Lorna Doone with my partner in crime this month, Meghan from Medieval Bookworm (we're planning on posting a joint review of it on Monday), and read a book she suggested--Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, which I liked more than she liked my suggestion for her, Nadja.  And I failed to read Great Expectations or The 39 Steps, but c'est la vie.

What I learned this month is that:
  1. I'm terrible at reading more than one book at a time
  2. Nineteenth-century lit is easy to overdose on
  3. Books in verse are not entirely tools of the devil
  4. Reading classic books makes me appreciate modern novels so much more!  In fact, from now on, I think I'm going to try to read one classic novel every month.

Overall I'm very happy with how Classics Month turned out, and with most of the books I got to read.  I think this might be my most successful theme month yet!

And speaking of theme months, you might have noticed that there's a poll embedded in my sidebar.  You can vote for my next theme month!  How exciting is that?!?  Of course, I will probably just end up doing whatever I want anyway, but you never know. (kidding-or am I?)

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