Scibbles McPenname, whose work of stunning literary genius was publised eight years ago and bought by four people--not including his mother--says that the work of uber-popular authors like Stieg Larsson and Dan Brown is utter crap. Scribbles sites an excessive use of commas and genre tropes in the calling out of these paperback superstars. When asked which authors he does admire, he brought up several dead people and his old college professor.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Ass Hat Says Popular Authors Are Terrible Writers
Scibbles McPenname, whose work of stunning literary genius was publised eight years ago and bought by four people--not including his mother--says that the work of uber-popular authors like Stieg Larsson and Dan Brown is utter crap. Scribbles sites an excessive use of commas and genre tropes in the calling out of these paperback superstars. When asked which authors he does admire, he brought up several dead people and his old college professor.
This work by Tasha B. at Truth Beauty Freedom and Books is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.