Allo allo readers and fellow bloggers. I know it's been really quiet around here lately. I started a new (seasonal--don't get too excited) job at the end of April and my time's been at a premium since, especially since I'm essentially juggling two jobs now. I'm not too stressed, but blogging has definitely fallen by the wayside while I get into a new routine.
In the meantime, Armchair BEA is happening and I can't not participate! Armchair BEA is the internet version of BEA (Book Expo America) in NYC. Today we're being asked to introduce ourselves. So without further ado:
- Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? Where in the world are you blogging from? That's actually 4 questions, but okay. I'm Tasha--or Natasha, or heidenkind--and I've been blogging since 2005, when my friend convinced me to join Xanga. In 2008 I started a book blog and atm I either manage or co-manage 5 blogs, contribute to Book Riot and Food Riot, and am a media critic at the Pueblo PULP. I started blogging because my friend told me I'd love it, and I guess she was right! I'm blogging from Colorado, USA.
- Describe your blog in just one sentence. Then, list your social details -- Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. -- so we can connect more online. Truth Beauty Freedom & Books is "A book blog with Bohemian sensibilities." Basically I say what I want and am non-commercial. You can find me on Twitter @heidenkind, on Facebook as Tasha Heidenkind, and on Instagram as @tashabrandstatter.
- What genre do you read the most? This has actually changed quite a bit in recent years. I used to be all about romance (although I did read other genres--as long as they had romance), but now I'm getting more into mysteries and thrillers. Hormones, I guess. I still love romances, but the current releases tend not to click with me the same way.
- What was your favorite book read last year? What’s your favorite book so far this year? My absolute favorite book last year was a 3-way tie between Hell is Empty by Craig Johnson, The Bridge by Rebecca Rogers Maher, and The River of No Return by Bee Ridgeway. I actually had a kinda sorta meh reading year last year, but this year has been pretty good. I think my favorite read so far is The Chocolate Touch by Laura Florand.
- What does your favorite/ideal reading space look like? I actually blogged about this in 2012. I think my perfect reading spot would be outdoors, with perfect weather, and nothing but the wind and the trilling of birds to disturb me.
How about you?
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