It's the end of the year, which means it's time to start reflecting on my year in reading. I guess. The only problem is, 2009 pretty much sucked on the reading front.
I read very few books, even fewer of which I liked. I burned out on two of my favorite sub-genres, historical romance and urban fantasy. But on the plus side, I started book blogging, made a lot of bookish friends, and discovered new books.
So, instead of doing a top-ten list of books, which would only serve to torture me as there were barely three books I loved that much in 2009, I decided to do a montage o' highlights.
Favorite new author: Meredith Duran
Duran is definitely an author to watch. I've really enjoyed all her books so far, and Bound By Your Touch is probably my favorite historical romance of 2009.
Favorite new genre: Manga
OMG, so addictive! Manga is my new crack. Seriously, you can't stop reading the stuff; it should come with a warning label.
Favorite challenge:
This is a tie between Jenner's Take a Chance Challenge and Galleysmith's Harry Potter Reading Challenge. The Take a Chance Challenge was really fun and creative, but I think reading-wise the Harry Potter Challenge has been the most rewarding.
Things I ignored:
Dystopian fiction, m/m romance, e-books, chick lit, and most of my challenges.
Things I didn't ignore (completely):
Angels, The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker, YA, erotica, Jane Austen adaptations
Jumped the shark:
Christina Dodd. The books she published this year that I read (Danger in a Red Dress, Storm of Visions) were pretty all-around horrible. It's like she's not even trying anymore.
Subcategory--Authors who are going to get one more shot: Gaelen Foley. My Wicked Marquis was simply a train wreck.
Despite my loathing of overly long books, I managed to read Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, Drood, and The Lost Symbol.
Things I wish I'd read more of:
I read hardly any sci-fi/fantasy this year, I don't know why. Usually that's my second-favorite genre after romance.
Biggest surprise (in a good way):
Water for Elephants, which I read as part of A Buckeyegirl Reads' bookclub (when are we going to read another book for that, btw, Colette?). I was pretty sure this book was either going to be horribly boring and/or depressing, but it was absolutely brilliant. I also read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society for Colette's book club, and that was really good, too.
Hmm, now that I've broken it down, it doesn't seem like my reading year was that horrible after all. What were the highlights of your year in books?
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