It's time for Bloggiesta, olé! For those of you who don't know, Bloggiesta is a blogging fiesta where bloggers work together to get stuff done on their blogs. Then we eat Mexican food and dance to Latin music. Wheee! It's really fun and will run the entire weekend. To sign up or find out more, check out There's a Book and It's All About Books.
Here are my blogging goals for Bloggiesta:
- Link to my blog reviews on GoodReads. I'm not sure why I'm doing this, but I decided it was a good idea. I'll probably just do it until I get bored.
- Tackle Technorati. One of the first Bloggiesta mini-challenges was signing up for Technorati and then using it to tag your posts. I tried signing up then, but Technorati kept crashing, so I decided I'd finish it at some point in the future. Now here we are, two years later...
- Find out why the FaceBook 'like' button on PGP isn't working. It's probably because the PGP feed isn't connected to FaceBook, which I tried to do weeks ago but it wouldn't let me. blargh
- Get rid of the TBFB at the start of every post and "This work by..." in the summary. This is something I definitely need help on. When I google my (main) blog, the results that show up look like this:

The page titles are either inaccurate (Review, Book Review) or the title of the blog, and the description below each is my feed's copyright notice. Compare that to what comes up when you google Dear Author:

DA has clear page categories, and the description underneath is mostly appropriate for the pages.
So why are all my post titles prefaced with the title of my blog, and why is the feed copyright notice used as the description? Does anyone know what the root of the problem is and where I can find help or info about this?
I will also be on twitter following the #bloggiesta hashtag and trying to help people where I can. Let's get the fiesta started!