A few questions for the Mystery Readathon before I get started:
Give us 5 fun facts about you.
Um, I like to read? Oh, wait, you already knew that.
- The first book I ever read was Bunnicula.
- My favorite holiday is Valentine's Day.
- When I was 19 I shaved my head.
- I hate painted fingernails but love painted toenails.
- Dusting is my least-favorite chore, as evidenced by the amount of dust around here.
Did you participate in the Mystery Readathon in the past?
Can you give the new participants any tips on what to do and what not to do?
Tell people you're busy. Don't make plans. Convince someone to cook for you or order in pizza. Get up every two hours and stretch. And pick short-ish books so you don't feel like you're spending all your time on one book.
What is in your TBR stack for the next two days?
A lot of m/m romance/mysteries. Plus I need to finish Some Girls Bite before I move on to anything else (UF can pass for mystery, right?). I blogged about my goals in more detail in the introductory post I wrote last night.
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